International Festival

- 26+27.08.2022 19:00
Première belge
Composed evening:
Believe + Very Tiny Little Drop of Wax
Loosely inspired by the life of Edith Piaf and her journey as a street artist brutally thrown into the spotlight, the performance investigates the singer’s emotional and physical states, her intensity of being, but also her vulnerability and instability.
This is a sort of creative X-ray exercise where dancers slip in and out of the great singer’s breath like complicit shadows, showing in their movements the way in which strength is nurtured by vagrancy and obscurity. Bodies stutter, miss one another, cling and resonate in unison.
In Very Tiny Little Drop of Wax, Mei Chen and Yannis Brissot offer a very delicate gestural exploration where the osmosis of their duo unveils the fertile turmoil of the unique.