• 29.08.2024 20:30
Mezzo, 60’


Meet the artists after the show

In Maryse Condé’s novel, Tituba is a black woman accused of witchcraft who becomes the mouthpiece for those silenced by force and erased by history. Performing live with Khyam Allami, Dorothée Munyaneza draws her inspiration from this story and uses her body to breathe new life into the victims of oppression in a sort of ‘collective solo’.

Her precise, mesmerising, magnetic presence and her clear, husky singing vibrate through the space. With complete self-control, the dancer-choreographer builds up unstoppable tension, crossing a hybrid space – African, American, European, Caribbean – a place of traces, dreams, and violence. The air surrounding her becomes singularly consistent.

Artis­tic direc­tion, performance :
Dorothée Mun­yaneza
Live orig­i­nal music :
Khyam Alla­mi, Dorothée Munyaneza
Cos­tume creation :
Stéphanie Coud­ert
Based on a text by :
Elsa Dor­lin
Light design :
Marine Le Vey
Sound tech­ni­cian :
Aude Besnard
Light tech­ni­cian :
Anna Gen­este
Pro­duc­tion :
Cie Kadi­di / Vir­ginie Dupray
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Tanz im August — HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Chail­lot Théâtre Nation­al de la Danse, Mai­son de la Danse — Lyon – Pôle Européen de créa­tion, DeSin­gel — Anvers, Pavil­lon ADC Genève, Fonds Trans­fab­rik – Fonds fran­co- alle­mand pour le spec­ta­cle vivant
Stu­dio hosting :
CCN — Bal­let Nation­al de Mar­seille, Friche Belle de mai
Sup­port­ed by :
DRAC Provence- Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Mon­tévidéo Cen­tre d’Art — fes­ti­val Actoral — Marseille
Dorothée Mun­yaneza is an asso­ciate artist of :
Chail­lot Théâtre Nation­al de la Danse, aon­da­tion Car­mar­go, Mai­son de la danse Lyon, Bien­nale de la danse Lyon
Pic­tures :
© Dajana Lothert