• 26—28.08.2021 19:00
Mezzo, 50’

Bel­gian première


Meet the artists after the show on 27.08

Positioned at the centre of a video fresco where their image multiplies and shatters, two women immerse themselves in a collection of moods and thoughts, of flashes and seizures where quotations, impregnations of other universes, samples of sound and video, improvisations, bugs, etc. both mix and intermingle.

The women seem attuned to the frequencies of the works that inspired them (Marguerite Duras, Chantal Akerman, Maya Deren...) and from which they draw a new, original proposal, somewhere between the nightmare and reverie.

Using their skilful nonchalance and inventive relationship to sound and image, Priscilla Guy and Catherine Lavoie-Marcus construct an endearing presence that simultaneously imposes itself and casts doubt on itself. The ruptures and superimpositions provide naturalness and a quirkiness that is constantly reinforced by humour.

Art direc­tion, chore­og­ra­phy, text, video, performance :
Cather­ine Lavoie-Mar­cus, Priscil­la Guy
Sound design, dra­matur­gy assistant :
Michel F Côté
Pro­jec­tion, map­ping, video effects :
Antoine Quiri­on Couture
Light­ing :
Paul Cham­bers
Scenog­ra­phy :
Julie Val­lée-Léger
Cos­tumes :
Marie-Chris­tine Quenneville
Crit­i­cal eye :
Marie Claire Forté
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Samuel Théri­ault
Pro­duc­tion :
Man­do­line Hybride
With the sup­port of :
Con­seil des arts et des let­tres du Québec (CALQ), Con­seil des arts de Mon­tréal (CAM)
Res­i­den­cies :
Usine C — Mon­tréal, Ago­ra de la danse — Mon­tréal, L’An­i­mal a l’Esque­na — Espagne, Cir­cuit-Est cen­tre choré­graphique — Mon­tréal, Cen­tre des arts actuales Skol — Montréal
Pic­tures :
Svet­la Atanasova