• 25.08.2021 20:30
Chapel, 50’

Bel­gian première


Meet the artists after the show on 25.08

A recurring gesture permeates the performances of the Catalan choreographer: the act of striking, of hammering. In R-A-U-X-A, she pushes this obsession to its limits on her own whilst probing what this gesture encompasses in terms of symbolism, ancient memory, or archaic recurrences... Very quickly, spectators are transported beyond what they see: the movement opens up sensory dimensions and resonates with invisible forces.

Aina Alegre’s precise and fusional interaction with light, space and sound, her intriguing presence and the framed wildness of her movement causes the air around her to vibrate. Pushing, bowing, suspended halts, fluidity, rhythm, we are taken into an organic, architectural and engaging journey that is an invitation to travel.

Con­cept, chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Aina Ale­gre
Live music :
Josep Tutusaus
Light­ing :
Jan Fedinger
Space design :
James Brandi­ly
Cos­tumes :
Andrea Otin
Artis­tic and dra­matur­gi­cal advice :
Quim Bigas
Tech­ni­cal direc­tion and sound :
Guil­laume Olmeta
Light­ing direc­tion takeover :
Leslie Horowitz
Sound direc­tion takeover :
Nico­las Martz
Advice on movement :
Elsa Dumonte, Math­ieu Burner
Direc­tion intern :
Capucine Intrup
Pro­duc­tion, distribution :
Claire Nollez
Inter­na­tion­al distribution :
Vicenç Mayans, Palosan­to projects
Pro­duc­tion assistants :
Aniol Bus­quets, Lau­ra Maldonado
Pro­duc­tion :
Stu­dio Fictif
Project ben­e­fit­ing from a res­i­den­cy at :
La Fab­rique Chail­lot” — Chail­lot — Théâtre nation­al de la Danse (Paris), Ate­lier de Paris CDCN, Chorège | CDCN Falaise Normandie
as part of the accueil stu­dio” project :
Cen­tre Choré­graphique Nation­al d’Or­léans — direc­tion Maud le Pladec, NEXT Fes­ti­val, La rose des vents Scène nationale Lille Métro­pole Vil­leneuve d’Ascq
With the sup­port of :
DRAC Île-de-France
Sup­port and residency :
el Graner, cen­tre de creació de dansa i arts vives, Barcelone, La Place de la Danse — CDCN Toulouse/​Occitanie, Tanzhaus Zürich, Mer­cat de les Flors, Barcelone
Pic­tures :
Jan Fedinger