International Festival

In the beginning, there is the urge against what we were, the roles we played, but also against everything that made us and what we could have been – or perhaps become (pode ser, in Portuguese)...
Leïla Ka revisits her own career as a dancer and explores the difficulty of being oneself, of assembling one’s own being and of overcoming one’s contradictions. Her movements are like a fight against oneself, against the air, the useless expansion, losses of all kinds... Clenched in on herself, she wages a furious struggle with fists, but this articulation paradoxically bodes an opening, future freedom. This freedom is tantamount to a promise for which the choreographer reveals some important principles: controlled energy, a density of presence, an art of being there.
Evening made of 3 short pieces (with Goofy - Roni Chadash & rain - Meytal Blanaru).