International Festival

- 19—21.08.2024 20:30
Meet the artists after the show on 20.08
In a remote corner of the world, men and women wrench
themselves out of the shadows and the stone in which they were
imprisoned... Humanity becomes flesh, but the incarnation turns to
stupor, the living seized in doubts and hauntings.
with statues and bas-reliefs, unexpected life is breathed into figureheads, pinned jellyfish, and flattened faces and bodies expressing
abandonment and yearning. And yet the distant interior remains
very real...
Noli me tangere : don’t touch me! Something beyond our reach must remain that way. We do not possess that which is beyond us, and it is precisely what alerts and exhilarates us.
An evening of 2 shows (+ Vice Versa by Cie Mossoux-Bonté)