• 26+27.08.2019 20:30
Chapel, 50’

Spo­ken words in French
Meet the artists after the show on 26.08

Bel­gium Première

Can movement and words coexist in an exclusive relationship and potentiate their resources and differences in nature and effect? Pierre Pontvianne gives an original and striking answer to this question.

While an actor exhaustively describes a human fresco from a different angle each time, the dancers appear in it without embodying all the characters, following a complex and captivating score.

The scene is timeless and speaks of the popular representation of death in macabre dances and ceremonies that combine groups, families, and crowds.

From fortuitous or calculated confrontations between the subject of the discourse and that of the movement, links develop between the dance and discourse, reinforcing their relationship... It is a bet that makes MASS a very specific object.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Pierre Pont­vianne
Per­for­mance :
Jazz Bar­bé, Lau­ra Friga­to, Flo­rence Girar­don, Math­ieu Heyraud, Cather­ine Jodoin, David Mam­bouch, Marie-Lise Naud
Sound design :
Pierre Pont­vianne
Music :
Gidon Kre­mer & Kre­mer­a­ta Balti­ca The Art of Instru­men­ta­tion : Homage to Glenn Gould
Orig­i­nal text :
Sara­bande David Mambouch
Light :
Valérie Colas
Décor :
Pierre Treille
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Parc
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Le Dôme Théâtre, Théâtre du Vellein
With the sup­port of :
CCN de Bal­let de Lorraine
Stu­dio residency :
2017 – 2018 Ate­lier de Paris / CDN, Ram­dam — un cen­tre d’art, Cie Maguy Marin
Res­i­den­cies :
Le Paci­fique — CDCN de Greno­ble, Ram­dam — un cen­tre d’art, CCN de Rillieux-la-Pape
With the sup­port of :
La SPE­DI­DAM, la Ville de Paris
Pic­tures :
Cie Parc