• 06.11.2024 16:00
Chapel, 60’

Emerging from the mists of time, dishevelled creatures plunge into our eyes as if into a bottomless mirror. These are the eternal survivors of history, extravagant individuals who have lived through pleasures and passing days, but also through chaos, wars and plagues. They keep appearing and disappearing, torn between attraction and restraint, arising from familiar scenes and suddenly revived desires.

Les Arrière-Mondes sheds a spectral light on the moments of stupor and uncertainty that follow human passions and where the enigma of our presence is unwittingly revealed.

Con­cept :
Patrick Bon­té
Direc­tion, choreography :
Patrick Bon­té & Nicole Mossoux
Pefor­mance, artis­tic collaboration :
Dori­an Chavez, Tay­lor Lecocq, Colline Libon, Lenka Lup­tako­va, Frauke Mar­iën, Shan­ta­la Pèpe
Orig­i­nal music :
Thomas Turine
Scenog­ra­phy :
Simon Sieg­mann
Cos­tumes :
Jack­ye Fauconnier
Masks, hair­pieces, make-up :
Rebec­ca Florès-Martinez
assist­ed by :
Marie Messien, Isis Hauben, San­dra Marinel­li, Jean Coers
Light­ing :
Patrick Bon­té
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Jean-Jacques Deneu­mousti­er
Cos­tume design with the help of :
Cécile Cor­so, Ani­cia Echev­er­ria, Muazzez Aydemir
Sound direc­tion :
Fred Miclet
Light­ing direc­tion and assistance :
Bap­tiste Leclère
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Mossoux-Bonté
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Théâtre Les Tan­neurs, La Coop asbl, Shelterprod
With the sup­port of :
Taxshel​ter​.be, ING, Tax-Shel­ter du gou­verne­ment fédéral belge, Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Ser­vice de la Danse, Wal­lonie-Brux­elles International
Pic­tures :
Sebas­t­ian Mar­covi­ci, Julien Lambert