• 23+24.08.2024 19:00
Mezzo, 55’

Bel­gian Première


The sun completes its journey in the night, its ‘fourth step’. This is the step accomplished by three women who enter the world of dreams, impressions, anticipation, and memory.

Immersed in this volatile, changing material, they slide, get stuck, drift, and open up breaches in which they instantly resurrect lost or intensely longed-for people. Images rise to the surface as though they were memories on the skin. They incarnate these images, and the mind wanders freely through suggestions and strange evocations laced with humour.

Anne-Sophie Lancelin and her accomplices create inspiring, evocative atmospheres using a level of execution that confirms their strength.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Anne-Sophie Lancelin
Dance :
Aurélie Berland, Anne-Sophie Lancelin, Car­ole Quettier
Music :
Lucas Fagin
Pho­to installation :
Nina-Flo­re Hernandez
Light design, technique :
Xavier Car­ré
Cos­tumes :
Cather­ine Garnier
Pro­duc­tion, distribution :
Léa Marc­hand
Pro­duc­tion :
Com­pag­nie Euphorbia
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Micadans­es, Théâtre Sénart — Scène nationale, Com­pag­nie /​TranS/​
Sup­port­ed by :
Théâtre d’Orléans — Scène nationale, l’Echangeur — CDCN, CCN de Roubaix, Cen­tre cul­turel Léo Lagrange, L’Essieu du Batut, Le Regard du Cygne, Le 109 — Pôle des cul­tures con­tem­po­raines à Nice, Cen­tre Nation­al de la Danse, La DRAC des Hauts-de- France, Région des Hauts-de- France, Adami
With the sup­port of :
the French Embassy in Bel­gium and the Insti­tut français. As part of EXTRA, a pro­gram that sup­ports French con­tem­po­rary cre­ation in Belgium
Pic­tures :
© Nina-Flo­re Hernandez