• 18—20.08.2022 20:30
Chapel, 65’

Bel­gian première 


Meet the artists after the show on 19/08

Inspired by Géricault’s Raft of the Medusa, the performance immerses us in a complex “tableau vivant” in a post-apocalyptic universe where people struggle and come together.

Cartloads of bodies intertwined in unlikely piles follow heaves where the floor slips away... We are gripped by a strong physicality embedded in a powerful imagery. The magnetic appeal that electrifies the stage produces a fascination that endures from start to finish through a series of startling images.

Combining a powerful vocabulary and a perfect understanding of the ensembles, Alan Lake, whom we are delighted to welcome to Europe for the first time, navigates between suggestion and reality without being able to determine its limits and contours.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Alan Lake
with the per­form­ers’ complicity :
Kim­ber­ley de Jong, Salomé Janan, Jean-Benoit Labrecque, Dan­ny Moris­sette, Sacha Ouel­lette-Deguire, Odile-Amélie Peters, Fabi­en Piché, Geneviève Robitaille, Jo Trozzo-Mounet
Live music :
Antoine Berthi­aume
Lights :
Karine Gau­thi­er
Reherseals :
Annie Gagnon
Scenog­ra­phy :
Marilèné Bastien, Alan Lake
Machin­ist :
Clau­dio Castillo
Pro­duc­tion :
Lake Factori(e)
Copro­duc­tion :
Danse Danse, Cen­tre de Création O Ver­ti­go – CCOV — Montréal
Cre­ation residencies :
Place des Arts, La Rotonde, Danse à la Carte
Alan Lake Factori(e) is sup­port­ed by :
Con­seil des arts du Cana­da, du Con­seil des arts du Québec et de l’Entente de développement cul­turelle de la Ville de Québec
Pic­tures :
© Mar­tin Morissette