• 02+03.09.2022 20:30
Chapel, 75’

Bel­gian première


Meet the artists after the show on 02/09

As a place of atonement, subversion and chaos, hell is an imaginary place that, more than any other, has inspired preachers of all kinds and numerous artists. Because Hell is here, and Hell is not the others, it is us.

We are also those who laugh about it: Roberto Castello devises a tragedy in the guise of a seductive comedy and takes advantage of it to poke fun at the triteness of life, in a twirling barrage of scenes and characters, suspensions and frenzied rhythms. It’s don’t give a damn about death or don’t give a damn about style!

But behind the seemingly flippant exterior, there is an architecture of movement, a precision of gesture, a mastery of the image that lends the humour its double meaning and its brilliant radiance.

Chore­og­ra­phy, direction :
Rober­to Castello
in col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Alessan­dra Moretti
Dance :
Mar­ti­na Aud­di­no, Eri­ca Bravi­ni, Nico­la Cis­tern­i­no, Ric­car­do De Simone, Susan­nah Iheme, Alessan­dra Moret­ti, Gisel­da Ranieri
Music :
Mar­co Zanotti
in col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Andrea Tar­avel­li
Fend­er Rhodes :
Pao­lo Pee Wee Durante
Light :
Leonar­do Badalassi
3D video project :
Rober­to Castello
on the advice of :
Enri­co Nencini
Audio mix­ing :
Ste­fano Giannotti
Audio mas­ter­ing :
Jam­bona Lab
Cos­tumes :
Desirée Costan­zo
Spe­cial thanks to :
Moham­mad Bot­to, Gen­i­to Molava
Copro­duc­tion :
ALDES, CCN de Nantes
With the sup­port of :
Ministère de la Cul­ture / DRAC des pays de la Loire, Romaeu­ropa Fes­ti­val, Théâtre des 13 vents CDN — Cen­tre Dra­ma­tique Nation­al Mont­pel­li­er, Pal­cosceni­co Dan­za – Fon­dazione TPE, RESISTERECREARE — Fon­dazione Luz­za­ti Teatro del­la Tosse, ART­EFI­CI. Res­i­den­ze­Cre­ative­Fvg / Artis­ti­As­so­ciati, MIC / Direzione Gen­erale Spet­ta­co­lo, Regione Toscana / Sis­tema Regionale del­lo Spettacolo
Pic­tures :
© Pao­lo Por­to, Cosi­mo Trimboli