• 17.03.2022 17:00

In French
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Is economics a science capable of establishing objective truths and neutrality in fact-finding and analysis? By dismantling preconceived ideas, by providing factual elements, is it not possible to provide a different approach to the liberal policies that are being pursued? And does our generation not have the urgent task of fighting on several fronts at once, around a project including the energy transition, the revival of public services or the denunciation of finance?

Thomas Porcher has a doctorate in economics, is an associate professor at the Paris School of Business and a member of ‘Les Economistes atterrés’. His unorthodox analysis of liberal economics makes firewood of the doxa and preconceived ideas concerning the hegemony of economics over the organisation of contemporary societies.

In part­ner­ship with :
Mas­ter en Arts du Spec­ta­cle de l’U­ni­ver­sité Libre de Bruxelles