• 24—26.10.2024 20:30
Chapel, 55’

Meet the artists after the show on 25.10

In a world that can no longer conceive of its future in the face of climatic, social and political upheaval, Habemus Naufragium is a spirited invitation to positive resilience.

Invited for the first time at Les Brigittines, choreographer Silvia Pezzarossi, in a duet with dancer Anna-Maria Bayon, proposes an extravagant shipwreck to guide us through the storms of our times. With a boundless imagination - goofy and ironic, but also poetic - their metaphorical dances evolve into a fluid and perfect metamorphosis of bodies until they become one: a new being in the grip of mutation.

Like a remedy for our eco-anxiety, this colourful show offers a refreshing dose of creative hope to be consumed with eyes wide open.

Con­cept, direction :
Sil­via Pezzarossi
Chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Sil­via Pez­zarossi, Anna-Maria Bayon
Artis­tic assis­tance, dramaturgy :
Simon Gillard
Help with dra­matur­gy and act­ing direction :
Maialen Arra­no
Light design :
Jean-Jacques Deneu­mousti­er
Tech­nique :
Léo De Nève
Sound design :
Raphael Venin, Clé­ment Braive
Cos­tumes :
Mar­ta Lodoli
Admin­is­tra­tion-pro­duc­tion :
Plas­tique Palace Théâtre asbl
Pic­tures :
© Simon Gillard
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Le Delta
Res­i­den­cies :
Charleroi danse-Cen­tre choré­graphique de Wal­lonie Brux­elles, Théâtre Marni, UP-Cir­cus & Per­form­ing Arts, CC Wol­u­bilis, CC les Rich­es Claires, Stu­dio Étangs Noirs — RUDA Aye­len Parolin, Le Bamp, Akropodi­ti dance cen­tre — Syros, Le 783 – Nantes, la Bri­que­terie — CDCN Val-de-Marne
Sup­port­ed by :
Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles — Ser­vice de la Danse, Wal­lonie-Brux­elles International