• 26+27.08.2021 21:00
Chapel, 60’

Bel­gian première


Meet the artists after the show on 26.08

Two individuals gravitate towards each other and clash in duels where their superficial harmony reveals conventional rivalries and unpleasant manipulations.

Beast without Beauty resonates most strongly today because it shows how beauty – which supposedly uplifts our souls – hides dangers when it is degraded into kitsch aesthetics that only mask platitudes and horrors. We are reminded of the odes to nature that are anything but innocent, of the faith in the future, of the glorification of bodies and dancing that purports to be emotional yet yields us to the power of banality.

Ironically nuanced, Carlo Massari’s disturbing, hard-hitting piece offers a welcome response to the absurd cruelty of human relationships.

Orig­i­nal creation :
Car­lo Massari
Per­for­mance :
Car­lo Mas­sari, Emanuele Rosa, Giusep­pina Randi
Light­ing design :
Francesco Mas­sari
Cos­tume advice :
Gabriel­la Strangolini
Co-pro­duc­tion :
C&C, TCVI/​Danza in Rete Festival
With the sup­port of :
CID/Ori­ente-Occi­dente Fes­ti­val, CSC Bas­sano del Grap­pa, Fon­dazione Piemonte dal vivo, Cie.Abbondanza/Bertoni, Res­i­den­za I.DRA. & Teatri di Vita/​Progetto CURA 2018, Fes­ti­val Prospet­ti­va Dan­za, H(abita)t — Rete di Spazi per la Danza/​Leggere Strut­ture Art Fac­to­ry, MiBAC e SIAE/Sil­lu­mi­na-Copia pri­va­ta per i gio­vani, per la cul­tura, Mov­in’up Spet­ta­co­lo — Per­form­ing arts 2018/2019 a cura di Min­is­tero per i beni e le attiv­ità cul­tur­ali Direzione Gen­erale Spet­ta­co­lo, GAI Asso­ci­azione per il Cir­cuito dei Gio­vani Artisti Ital­iani, GA/ER Asso­ci­azione Gio­vani Artisti dell’Emilia-Romagna
Pic­tures :
David Cola­gia­co­mo, Giu­lia Marangoni