• 22+23.08.2018 20:30
  • 25.08.2018 22:00
Mezzo, 50’

Meet the artists after the show on 22.08

Bel­gium Première

Dancing until losing or discovering the self. Reaching the point where endurance allows a different being to show. Is this more authentic, more touching? Does it evoke unlimited challenges where humans can let themselves be crushed by their taste for records and exploits?

Manuel Roque moves, dances, and bounds, without ever releasing the tension: he takes on his own performance directly as if it were a metaphor for our stressed-out lives.
An exploration as a manifesto on exceeding one's limits, bang bang is a theatre subject for a kamikaze soloist who never stops seeking his target. It is what he undoubtedly finds in himself...

Chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Manuel Roque
Rehearsals direc­tion, artis­tic advice :
Sophie Cor­riveau, Lucie Vigneault
Dra­matur­gy :
Peter James
Cos­tume, set design :
Mar­ilène Bastien
Light :
Marc Par­ent
Sound­track :
Manuel Roque
with extracts from :
Debussy, Chopin, Merzbow, 2001 Space Odyssey, Tarkowky
Pro­duc­tion direction :
Judith Allen
Pro­duc­tion :
Cie Manuel Roque
Exec­u­tive producer :
Daniel Léveil­lé Danse
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Fes­ti­val TransAmériques
With the sup­port of :
fab­rik Pots­dam, Mai­son de la cul­ture Fron­tenac, Cir­cuit-Est cen­tre choré­graphique, Théâtre Hec­tor-Char­land, Les Sub­sis­tances, Ago­ra de la danse, Con­seil des arts du Cana­da, Con­seil des arts et des let­tres du Québec, Con­seil des arts de Montréal
Thansk to :
Indi­ana Escach, Élise Berg­eron, Alex­ia Martel
This pro­duc­tion receives the sup­port of :
Daniel Léveil­lé Danse (DLD) dans le cadre de son pro­jet de par­rainage au développe­ment et à la diffusion.
Cie Manuel Roque is mem­ber of :
Cir­cuit-Est cen­tre chorégraphique
Pic­tures :
Mar­ilène Bastien