• 05—07.12.2024 19:00
Mezzo, 70’

Meet the artists after the show on 05.12

Les Brigittines welcome choreographer and director Ahmed Ayed with a show that is as energetic as it is determined. In his search for our multiple identities, the show crosses the Rubicon of conventions.

By blending the music and songs of Belgian composer Tim Clijsters with the dance and life stories of Palestinian dancer Hamza Damra, a dialogue is created that challenges the shackles of our societal dictates. In a game of mirrors, with empathic humour and an undeniable rock force, ...And Nobody Else sweeps us along like a hurricane, stripping away the superfluous layers of our identity. The emancipation is as joyous as it is poetic. The upshot is nothing short of atoning.

A second show is on offer that evening, at 20:45 : Piano Works Debussy by voetvolk / Lisbeth Gruwez & Claire Chevallier. Combined ticket available.

Con­cept, direc­tion, choreography :
Ahmed Ayed
Per­for­mance :
Hamza Dam­ra
Musi­cal per­for­mance, composition :
Tim Cli­jsters
Direc­tion assistance :
Amber Kemp
Dra­matur­gy :
Patrick Michel
Light design :
Suzan­na Bauer
Stage design :
Thomas Delord
Cos­tumes :
Aswad Al Masrahi
Chore­o­graph­ic vision :
Soa Rat­si­fan­dri­hana, Habib Ben Tanfous
Sound engi­neer :
Arthur Wouters
Light tech­ni­cian :
Suzan­na Bauer, Gleb Panteleeff
Sound tech­ni­cian :
Arthur Wouters
Con­struc­tion :
Max Van De Weyer
Teas­er, photos : :
Alice Khol
Exec­u­tive pro­duc­tion, distribution :
Théâtre de la Vie (Manon Di Romano)
Pro­duc­tion :
Col­lec­tif Illicium
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Théâtre de la Vie, La Coop asbl, Shel­ter Prod, Les Halles de Schaer­beek, La Charge du Rhinocéros, C’est Cen­tral — La Louvière
Sup­port­ed by :
taxshel​ter​.be, ING et du tax shel­ter du gou­verne­ment fédéral belge, ILES asbl, Com­pag­nie Point Zéro, L’Escaut, Cen­tre cul­turel Wol­u­bilis, SACD, SABAM, WBTD/WBI, COCOF, Fédéra­tion Wallonie-Bruxelles
Pic­tures :
© Fx Willems