• 26+27.08.2024 19:00
Mezzo, 60’

Bel­gium / France

Referring to the frequency 2349.32 Hz – associated with the note D, Ré in French – and the root of the word ‘revolution’ (return, turning in on oneself), Danielle Allouma pulls off the feat of spinning on herself for what seems like an infinite amount of time.

This is less a performance than an attempt to alter our sensory per- ceptions and allow our imaginations to radiate from a fixed, whirling point. Three spirals – dance, music, and light – interweave on the stage in a hypnotic interplay where space and time function as tangible forces and constraining structural frameworks.

Arco Renz and Danielle Allouma create a radical, life-size mandala that reveals the sky of our thoughts.

Chore­og­ra­phy, direction :
Arco Renz
Chore­og­ra­phy, dance :
Danielle Allouma
Dra­matur­gy :
Arco Renz
Music :
Nir Jacob Younessi
Light design :
Ryoya Fude­tani
Cos­tumes :
Flo­ra Miranda
Artis­tic direction :
Arco Renz
Pro­duc­tion :
Kobalt Works, Cie Des Ailes
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines
Part­ners :
La Gare à Couliss­es — Scèné Conventionnée — Eurre, Les Aires, Théâtre de Die et du Diois, Ver­ti­go Eco Art Vil­lage — Israël
Pic­tures :
© Jean-Luc Tanghe