• 13—15.03.2025 20:30
Chapel, 50’

Meet the artists after the show on 13.03

Merging the dynamic worlds of dance and visual arts, Ariadna Gironès Mata explores a series of physical states, where a fragmented, faltering body is obscured by shifting, indecisive layers. These layers, metaphors for what the character seeks to conceal, reflect a refusal of self-acceptance. But the burning question remains: is it our own inability to accept ourselves, or is society to blame?

A mirror emerges - a parallel, a vicious circle - where self-perception and societal rejection intersect, generating a monstrous reflection that the world refuses to embrace.

With its strikingly visceral aesthetic - both plastic and organic, unsettling yet tender, SO?!WHAT tackles urgent issues of social expectations, gender dynamics and entrenched stereotypes with compelling urgency.

Con­cept, performance :
Ari­ad­na Gironès Mata
Assis­tant :
Alban Ovaness­ian
Light design :
Hugues Girard
Sound design :
Annale­na Fröhlich
Scenog­ra­phy :
Carme Mata Coca, Bet­ty Cau
Out­side eye :
Greet Van Poeck, Pieter Ampe, Esse Van­der­bruggen, Joseph Rioton, Béatrice Wegnez
Del­e­gat­ed production :
Fes­ti­val de Liège — Bien­nale Inter­na­tionale des Arts de la scène
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Fes­ti­val de Liège
Sup­port­ed by :
De Grote Post, Le 140, Fac­to­ry, La Chauf­ferie Acte 1, Foy­er Cul­turel Jupille — Wan­dre, Voetvolk/​Lis­beth Gruwez & Maarten Van Cauwen­berghe, Garage29, La Roseraie, Carpa Rev­olu­ció, Boli­vianow, CCBarcelone­ta, LadyFest, LookIn’Out Fes­ti­val, Cocq’Arts Fes­ti­val, Parhas­sard fes­ti­val, Dans­vit­rine, Game Over Fes­ti­val, GC Den Dam, La Mai­son de la Créa­tion, Le Bamp, Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie-Brux­elles — Ser­vice de la Danse, equal.brussels, St Gilles Gillis, Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Thanks to :
Paula Mam­bo, Llu­na Gay, San­dra Ordoñez, Car­les Gironès, Xavi Galopa (Risc Impres­sió Digital)
Pic­tures :
Mar Badal, Fabi­enne Antomarchi