• 24—26.04.2025 20:30
Chapel, 50’

Meet the artists after the show on 25.04

Our solo is about the interplay between violinist, composer, and singer Aisha Orazbayeva, dancer Claire Croizé, and choreographer Etienne Guilloteau on an empty stage waiting to be gauged and conquered.

Their combined disciplines generate a unifying dance, a natural and intimate exchange exploring every sensitive vibration of the space. Orazbayeva’s performance incorporates obsessive gestures echoing Croizé’s movements. The music acts as a physical force affecting the dancer’s body, backing up her movements to the extent of wandering alongside her, forcing poetry, and prompting songs. The void becomes tangible. It is pierced. It resonates with the notes and movements.

Much like a contemporary art installation, the result is an enthralling, emotional, and intimate performance.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Eti­enne Guil­loteau & Claire Croizé
Danced by :
Claire Croizé
Music com­posed and per­formed by :
Aisha Orazbaye­va
Oth­er compositions :
Tele­vi­sion Con­ti­nu­ity Solos (2016−19, Jack Sheen), Cir­cu­lar Bow­ing Stud­ies (2012, Ang­harad Davies)
Light :
Hans Mei­jer
Sound engi­neer creation :
Roe­land Luyten
Sound engi­neer tour :
Antoine Délagoutte
Cos­tumes :
Anne-Cather­ine Kunz
assist­ed by :
Chiara Maz­zaro­lo
Pro­duc­tion :
ECCE vzw
Dai­ly man­age­ment, dis­tri­b­u­tion, communication :
Carine Meul­ders
Finan­cial manager :
Chris­tel Simon
Co-pro­duc­tion :
STUK, Kaaithe­ater, Perpodium
Res­i­den­cies :
STUK, Kaaithe­ater, Con­cert­ge­bouw Brugge, Ulti­ma Vez, Destel­hei­de, JOJI inc.
Sup­port­ed by :
Gou­verne­ment fla­mand, Tax shel­ter du gou­verne­ment fédéral belge
Thank to :
Great Invest­ment, Ictus
Pic­tures :
© Koen Broos