• 27+28.02, 01.03.2025 20:30
Chapel, 50’

Meet the artists after the show on 28.02

Two people in a living room. Were they ever in love? Did they ever live together, dance together, spend a night together, a part of their lives together? Here they are, trying to (re)connect to one another. Melodies waft from cassette tapes, a radio, and a vinyl turntable. A popular song buried in their memories resurfaces, its ritornellos carried through the ages recomposed.

A soap opera continues to play, but is the TV still on? In fragments, between the cracks, the living begins to re-emerge... Faced with the dripping emptiness, what remains of us, of the flame of our love? In an effort to recapture a dance they shared long ago, La fièvre d’un dimanche après-midi explores the pitfalls of relationships, the fragility that sustains them and the great disasters that build them.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Flo­ra Gaudin, Nico­la Vacca
Musi­cal com­po­si­tion and production :
Paul Ram­age
Dance :
Vio­lette Angé, Maria Mon­tero, Nico­la Vacca
Cos­tumes :
Sarah Delat­tre
Stage design :
André-Noël Gaudin
Light :
Hugues Girard
Exec­u­tive pro­duc­tion, administration :
Ary­th­mie — Vir­ginie Pasquier — com­pag­nie meta
Pro­duc­tion :
com­pag­nie meta, Com­pag­nie Caminante
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Pôle Création Chorégraphique de la Fon­da­tion Roy­au­mont, Le SPOT, Fuori­mar­gine — cen­tre de pro­duc­tion chorégraphique, Res­i­denzzen­trum Tanz+
Sup­port­ed by :
Can­ton du Valais, La Loterie Romande, CDCN — Danse à tous les étages, Le Regard du Cygne, Point Ephémère, Le MARNI, Le 140, Le Lieu, La Coopéra­tive choré­graphiques, La pépinière de choré­graphes – Com­pag­nie Fêtes Galantes, la ville de Sion, la ville de Gen­nevil­liers, Ernst Göh­n­er, SIS, la Sacem, le mécé­nat de la Fon­da­tion Daniel et Nina Caras­so. Mécène stratégique de la Fon­da­tion Roy­au­mont, la Fon­da­tion Daniel et Nina Caras­so, sous l’égide de la Fon­da­tion de France, sou­tient ses pro­jets de créa­tion artis­tique, l’émergence et l’accompagnement de ses artistes ain­si que le ren­force­ment de la coopéra­tion entre sci­ences humaines et pra­tiques artistiques
Pic­tures :