• 20—22.03.2025 19:00
Mezzo, 25’


Pres­ence of nudity

Meet the artists after the show on 21.03

In exUTERO, Shantala Pèpe embarks on a journey back to authenticity, embracing wounds and harnessing inner strength. Entering a trance evocative of whirling dervishes, the dancer sheds layers of external ornamentation to reveal the scars of body and soul. With her armour stripped away, she reveals a luminous, serene truth, born of complete surrender.

At the intersection of illusion and choreographic and plastic performance, exUTERO is a necessary, inner storm – a whirlwind that clears away superficialities, leaving only the raw essentials of who we truly are.

Con­cept, artis­tic direc­tion, performance :
Shan­ta­la Pèpe
Music :
Yair Elazar Glotman
Skins :
Pat­ty Egg­er­ickx, Rebec­ca Flo­res Mar­tinez, Stéphane Jossart
Cos­tume assis­tant (intern) :
Col­ine Paquet
Ljght design :
Hugues Girard, Guil­laume Tou­s­saint Fromentin
Dra­matur­gi­cal vision :
Guil­laume Tou­s­saint Fromentin
Chore­o­graph­i­cal vision :
Frauke Mar­iën, Anne-Cécile Chanetune
Pro­duc­tion :
MANA Com­pag­nie
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines
Sup­port­ed by :
Le Delta, Cen­tre cul­turel d’Engis, Le Marni, Théâtre Les Tan­neurs, Zahra­da-Cen­tre cul­turel GAR­DEN, Danse avec les foules, Lun­dy­na­mite — Théâtre de la Vie
Thanks to :
Pas­cal Demez, Brigitte Faure
Pic­tures :
© Stéphane Jossart