• 21—23.11.2024 20:30
Chapel, 60’

Meet the artists after the show on 22.11

This time, Alexandre Vantournhout and his sidekick Emmi Väisänen draw on our everyday gestures to create their performance.

By deconstructing and reinventing our everyday movements - a handshake, a stroll as a couple, the way we cling to handrails on public transport - in three tableaux, they create a sensible analysis that grows in complexity to form a hypnotic dance each time. The connection between bodies is a constant feature in this uncompromising investigation, forcing the two dancers to work in complete complicity. The upshot is a frenzied virtuosity from which a tantalising sensuality emanates.

Con­cept :
Alexan­der Vantournhout
Chore­og­ra­phy :
Emmi Väisä­nen, Alexan­der Vantournhout
Per­formed by :
Emmi Väisä­nen & Alexan­der Van­tourn­hout or Char­lotte Cétaire & Chia-Hung Chung
Cos­tumes, stage design :
Tom Van der Borght
Light :
Bert Van Dijck
Music :
Geof­frey Burton
Dra­matur­gy :
Rudi Laer­mans, Kathe­ri­na Lindekens
Repeti­tor :
Esse Van­der­bruggen, Anneleen Keppens
Research col­lab­o­ra­tion :
Esse Van­der­bruggen
Machin­ery :
Simon Cal­lens
Con­struc­tion :
Tom de With
Dis­tri­b­u­tion :
Frans Brood Productions
Com­pa­ny management :
Esther Maas
Tech­ni­cal coordination :
Bram Van­degh­in­ste
Pro­duc­tion :
Kiki Ver­schueren, Janne Coonen
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion :
Kiki Ver­schueren
Pro­duc­tion :
not stand­ing
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Kun­sten­cen­trum VIER­NUL­VI­ER — Gent, La Souf­flerie — Rezé, Plate­forme 2 Pôles Cirque en Nor­mandie / La Brèche à Cher­bourg & le Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf, The­ater op de Markt — Dom­mel­hof — Neer­pelt, The­ater Freiburg
Sup­port­ed by :
Tax Shel­ter du Gou­verne­ment fédéral belge, via Flan­ders Tax Shelter
Alexan­der Van­tourn­hout is artist in res­i­dence at :
Kun­sten­cen­trum VIER­NUL­VI­ER — Gent
Asso­ci­at­ed artist at :
and cul­tur­al ambas­sador for :
the city of Roeselare
not stand­ing is sup­port­ed by :
de Vlaamse over­heid, Fon­da­tion BNP Paribas
Pic­tures :
© Tom Van der Borght & Senne Praczyk