• 13—15.03.2025 19:00
Mezzo, 50’

Musi­cal in French with Dutch and Eng­lish surtitles


Meet the artists after the show on 14.03

DESCENDRE portrays a woman standing before the sea. Shaken by its movement, its waves, she questions why she shouldn’t take the plunge. Her story, expressed through dance and narration, explores the themes of water, its contradictions and its rhythms. Should we forget the ocean, the inner seas, the tides within the body's hidden landscapes? Should we abandon the sirens?

In this tale, Ulysse is a woman.

Written, choreographed and directed by Éléonore Valère-Lachky, DESCENDRE, is a bold, cross-disciplinary dance-text show brought to life on stage by dancer Violette Wanty, with actress Heloïse Jadoul lending her voice in a poignant voice-over.

Chore­og­ra­phy, direct­ing, text :
Éléonore Valère-Lachky
Dancer :
Vio­lette Wanty
Voice-over actress :
Héloïse Jadoul
Light design :
Jean François Philips, Anton Lachky
Musi­cal creations :
Manu Sam­paio
Sound design :
Jere­my Michel
Cos­tume :
Britt Angé
Artis­tic collaboration :
Sabrine Durand, Marie Valère
Pro­duc­tion :
Anton Lachky & Éléonore Valère Company
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines
Sup­port­ed by :
Fédération Wal­lonie- Brux­elles – Ser­vice de la Danse
Pic­tures :
© Anton Lachky