• 20—22.03.2025 20:30
Chapel, 40’

Text in French, 
with sur­titles in Dutch and English

Meet the artist after the show on 20.03

In this new solo performance, Louise Vanneste explores the deep connection we can form with our geological surroundings. She makes her body the vibrant string, resonating with the sensory, physical and emotional shifts inherent in this environment. In a polyphonic style blending abstraction, scientific observations and poetic experiments, she creates, alongside sound and light, ‘a science-fictional and dreamlike epic’. The outcome is a dynamic work, forever oscillating between the imaginary and the real, freeing humanity from its weary and redundant shackles.

3 jours, 3 nuits is an intense reminder of the boundless energies present in our world, energies that also dwell in each and every one of us. A captivating return to our very essence.

Con­cept, choré­gra­phie, interprétation :
Louise Vanneste
Son :
Cédric Dambrain
Dra­maturgie :
Sara Van­derieck
Scéno­gra­phie :
Arnaud Gerniers
en col­lab­o­ra­tion avec :
Esther Denis
Éclairage :
Arnaud Gerniers
Assis­tante à la chorégraphie :
Anja Röttgerkamp
Regard extérieur :
Paula Alm­iron
Voix :
Bet­ty Lam­oulie, Véronique Dumont
Dif­fu­sion, pro­duc­tion, administration :
Alma Office — Alix Sarrade
Pro­duc­tion :
Louise Vanneste / Ris­ing Horses
Copro­duc­tion :
Charleroi danse, POLE-SUD CDCN Stras­bourg, Les Brigittines
Avec le sou­tien de :
Ate­lier de Paris CDCN, Fédéra­tion- Wal­lonie-Brux­elles – Ser­vice de la Danse
Pho­tos :
Bea Borg­ers