• 30+31.08.2024 20:30
Chapel, 60’


Bel­gian Première

Meet the artists after the show on 30.08

Not unlike the xylophone, a txalaparta is a Basque musi- cal instrument that resonates when struck, but over which no-one has complete control : its nature defies all anchorage.

The txalaparta, which is present on stage, becomes a metaphor for the transformation of perceptions caused by the unbridled and paradoxically highly composed movements of the performers. Rhythm fills the air, with exchanges of power and matter, swirls, voices, soaring...

The compagny Kukai Dantza draws on traditional Basque dance and invites guest choreographers (in this case Jesús Rubio Gamo) to produce singular universes exploring the popular roots of dance and its most contemporary expression.

Project direc­tion :
Jesús Rubio Gamo & Jon Maya Sein
Per­form­ers :
Alain Maya, Arantza Igle­sias, Ibon Huarte, Izar Aizpu­ru, Izaro Urrestarazu, Nerea Ves­ga, Urko Mitxelena
Light design :
David Bernués
Music com­po­si­tion :
Aitor Etxe­bar­ria
Cre­ative production :
Doltza Oar-Arte­ta
Txala­parta music composition :
Aitor Bel­trán
Cos­tumes :
Leire Santillán
Stem coach :
Imanol Eliza­su
Admin­is­tra­tion :
Ele­na García
Tour man­ag­er :
Doltza Oar-Arte­ta
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Acróni­ca Producciones
Sound tech­ni­cian :
Miguel Alon­so
Pro­duc­tion :
Kukai Dantza
Pro­mo­tion, inter­na­tion­al distribution :
AnSó. Ray­baut- Pérès (Agente129)
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Errente­ri­ako Udala- Munic­i­pal­ité d’Errenteria, Malandain Bal­let Biar­ritz, Théâtre Vic­to­ria Eugenia
Sup­port­ed by :
Eusko Jau­rlar­itza, Gipuzkoako Foru Aldun­dia, Etx­e­pare Insti­tu­toa, INAEM, Lab­o­ral Kutxa
Pic­tures :
© Men­di Urruzuno