• 23+24.08.2024 20:30
Chapel, 60’

Bel­gian Première 


The show con­tains nudity

Meet the artists after the show on 23.08

Confronted with the rawness of their nature and the uncertainty of their condition, human specimens explore the space they inhabit and the desire that moves them. However abstract, the drawings borne out by their bodies attest to a tangible commitment by these individuals.

They experiment with movements, test their energies, feel themselves being pushed towards each other or into the void, which threatens to push back its limits... Drifting through the space, they suddenly regain their self-confidence to form a new community.

Through the use of nudity, Sylvain Huc explores the issue of writing, achieving the right balance between the organic nature of the choreography and the natural life of the bodies. The acute, supple movement of the performers, the subtlety of the lighting and the obsessive sound all combine to form a spellbinding continuum.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Syl­vain Huc
Per­for­mance :
Gau­thi­er Autant, Juliana Béjaud, Con­stant Dourville, Julie Koenig, Paul Warnery
Assis­tance :
Mathilde Oli­vares, Fab­rice Planquette
Light design, sound editing :
Fab­rice Planquette
Music :
Alessan­dro Cortini
Gecreëerd met :
Gau­thi­er Autant, Juliana Béjaud, Con­stant Dourville, David Malan, Mathilde Oli­vares, Daan Vervoort
Met de ste­un van :
Mont­pel­li­er Danse 2018
Res­i­den­ties :
L’Agora, cité inter­na­tionale de la danse
Met de ste­un van :
Fon­da­tion BNP Paribas, L’Usine — Cen­tre nation­al des arts de la rue et de l’espace pub­lic, La Place de la Danse — CDCN Toulouse / Occ­i­tanie, Les Hiver­nales — CDCN d’Avignon, Le Gym­nase — CDCN Roubaix — Hauts de France, Sala Hiroshi­ma — Barcelona, Insti­tut Français Barcelona, SPEDIDAM
Syl­vain Huc is :
Aerowaves 2019 artist
Cie Syl­vain Huc is sub­sidised by :
the Ministère de la Cul­ture / DRAC Occitanie
and is asso­ci­at­ed with :
la Ville de Tournefeuille
With the sup­port of :
the French Embassy in Bel­gium and the Insti­tut français. As part of EXTRA, a pro­gram that sup­ports French con­tem­po­rary cre­ation in Belgium
Pic­tures :
© Erik Dami­ano, Loran Chourrau