• 12—14.06.2024 21:00
Chapel, 60’

TB² Fes­ti­val

Hilarious and wacky. Same Same is an electric face-off that explores the absurdity of our behaviour and its unlikely consequences. Behind the codes of a stereotypical society, two high-heeled working girls pit themselves against each other, envious of each other, competing with each other and getting in each other's way until they lose touch with reality and "any sense of reason". It is precisely this lack of reasonableness that Karine Ponties questions, with dark humour, this in-between space where common sense is absent and unknown paths are explored, however absurd they may be. This energetic and exuberant choreography combines sharp criticism, subversive irony and animality. A performance with a life-saving barbarity.

At 7pm, at the Théâtre Les Tanneurs, the show Paysage by Julien Carlier / Cie Aᵇⁱˢ will be presented. Combi-ticket available.

Con­cept, choreography :
Karine Pon­ties
Per­for­mance :
Tereza Ondrová, Tomás Janypka
Dra­matur­gy, light­ing design, tech­nic management :
Guil­laume Tou­s­saint Fromentin
Pro­duc­tion :
Tem­po­rary Col­lec­tive / Daniela Reháková, Dame de Pic / Mahalia Carette
Copro­duc­tion :
TANEC PRA­HA fes­ti­val, Le 140
With the sup­port of :
Min­istère de la Cul­ture de la République Tchèque, Prague City Hall, ALT@RT, Truc Sphérique/​Stan­i­ca Žili­na, Min­istère de la Cul­ture de la Fédéra­tion Wallonie-Bruxelles
Pic­tures :
© Vojtech Brtnicky