• 23—25.11.2023 19:00
Studio, 20’

At the beginning, a silent, danced epilogue to conclude a twenty-four hour performance at KVS, the entire Odyssey performed by a choir of twenty-four men. It is about providing a feminine response and counterpoint to this virile fable, full of vengeance, war, and blood.

In what has become an autonomous solo, Lisbeth Gruwez thus embodies the sum of all the women who remained in the shadows of the Trojan War: Helen, the nymphs, the sirens, Calypso, Circe, and of course Penelope. Alone at centre stage, stimulated by the repetitive, hypnotic, enchanting score by Maarten Van Cauwenberghe, dressed in a long, black, undulating dress, and supported on her right foot, the dancer whirls and spins like a living top, thus expressing expectation, desire, lack, powerlessness, all the suffering of the feminine condition faced with this unavoidable scourge.

In the framework of the event 360°.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Lis­beth Gruwez
Com­po­si­tion :
Maarten Van Cauwenberghe
Inter­pre­ta­tion :
Lis­beth Gruwez
Light cre­ation :
Jan Maertens
Pro­duc­tion :
Voet­wolk vzw & KVS
Sup­port­ed by :
Vlaamse Gemeen­schap, Vlaamse Gemeen­schaps commissie
Pho­tos :
Dan­ny Willems