• 23.11.2023 17:30

Pre­sen­ta­tion of the book published
to mark the 360th anniver­sary of the Chapel
In French
Free entrance

Les Brigittines and Editions de l’Œil d’or are publishing a book entitled Libres comme demain nous l’apprendra, evoking what it is exactly that inspires the Brigittines’ activities. The book is also an opportunity to discover what 17 artists have to say and think about their work and their relationship with the world. Their contributions will be complemented by performers and playwrights, philosophers and authors, whose commitment to critical thinking is putting the concerns and questions of our time into perspective. They all share in the Brigittines adventure or have done so in the past.

In the framework of the event 360°.

The book will include texts by :
Patrick Bon­té, Olivi­er de Sagazan, Kitt John­son, Alexan­der Van­tourn­hout, Aye­len Parolin, Rober­to Castel­lo, Antia Diaz Otero, Pas­cale Gigon, Jes­si­ca Fouché, Nicole Mossoux, Karine Pon­ties, Yas­mine Hugonnet, Mau­ro Paccagnel­la, Cather­ine Gaudet, Jean-Luc Fafchamps, Arco Renz, Euripi­des Laskaridis, Angela Rabaglio & Micaël Flo­rentz, Jan Martens, Ingrid von Wan­toch Rekows­ki, Ste­fan Hert­mans, Dany-Robert Dufour, Roland Gori, Lau­rent Testot, Georges Durieux.