• 28.08.2024 20:30
Chapel, 55’


Bel­gian Première

Meet the artist after the show

This is a concert. The concert of a pianist who tackles great composers: Beethoven and Ligeti. The execution is flawless, albeit mischievous. At times staring at the audience, sometimes striking bewildering poses, she challenges the gravity of the situation and the narcissistic importance of the soloist. Whether she is understated, writhing in the emotion of doubt, or carried away by sheer energy.

Joana Gama is a leading interpreter of the contemporary repertoire (Mompou, Cage, Feldman). She is involved in numerous solo projects and collaborations in film, dance, and theatre. The two pieces featured on the programme were devised in collaboration with Tânia Carvalho, choreographer and sister of the absurd and extravagance.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Tânia Car­val­ho
Piano, per­for­mance :
Joana Gama
Music :
Györ­gy Ligeti, Musi­ca Ricer­ca­ta + Lud­wig van Beethoven, 32 Vari­a­tions in C minor, WoO 80
Pro­duc­tion :
agência 25
Pic­tures :
© Archi­vo Palau de la Músi­ca / Live Music València