• 24+25.08.2018 19:00
Mezzo, 18’


Bel­gium Première

A being crosses the night like a shining meteor: a celestial image to situate this moment of refined dance, whose simplicity hides a disquietedness and shows the desire of capturing space so as not to be an instrument of it.

Daniele Albanese uses finesse and fluidity to display a melodious language that places this short form on an imaginary border in which what is clear and legible encounters what is dark and mysterious.

Evening made of 2 pieces cf. Que du bonheur (?)

Con­cep­tion, performance :
Daniele Albanese
Light design :
Alessio Guer­ra
Music :
Luca Nasciu­ti
Artis­tic assistant :
Yele Canali
Tech­nique :
Mar­co Gigliotti
Man­ag­ing :
Michele Mele
Pro­mo­tion :
Domeni­co Garofalo
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Cdc Les Hiver­nales — Avi­gnon, Torin­odan­za fes­ti­val — Fon­dazione del Teatro Sta­bile di Tori­no, Teatro Nazionale, Halles de Schaerbeek
with the sup­port of :
Garage 29, Asso­ci­azione Stalk — Parma
With the sup­port of :
CollaborAction#3 — action of Anti­cor­pi XL Network,
in col­lab­o­ra­tion with fes­ti­vals, fairs and sea­sons con­ceived and devel­oped by :
Anti­cor­pi and Ater, Inter­play, Piemonte Dal Vivo, Amat, Arteven, Artedanzae20, Teatro Pub­bli­co Pugliese, C.L.A.P.Spettacolodalvivo, Armu­nia, FTS Onlus, Cen­tro San­ta Chiara Project
sup­port­ed by :
Fon­do per la Dan­za D’autore Regione Emil­ia- Romagna 2015÷2016”
Pic­tures :
Andrea Mac­chia