• 29+30.08.2017
Chapel, 65’

Bel­gium Première

Meet the artists after the show on 29.08

On the mode of a light frenzy that cannot be constrained, two women respond to the normative and social glance that falls upon them through a luminous freedom of movement. The adequacy attempt is cut short and their attitudes and gestures literally escape any expectation: through the play of a constant unpredictability and luminous freedom of movement, the duet explores various aspects of the female body and psyche in an atmosphere filled with incongruity, humour and freshness.

Here, Two Playful Pink, which launched the international career of Yasmeen Godder when it was created in 2003 is reinterpreted in a new version incarnated by Dor Frank and Francesca Foscarini.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Yas­meen Godder
Artis­tic Consultant :
Itzik Giuli
Cre­at­ing Performers :
Yas­meen God­der, Iris Erez
Per­form­ing Dancers :
Francesca Fos­cari­ni, Dor Frank
Music :
Gyor­gy Ligeti, PJ Har­vey, Ran Slavin
Cos­tumes :
Ilan­it Shamia
Light Design :
Jack­ie Shemesh
Tech­ni­cal Director :
Yair Var­di
Inter­na­tion­al Touring :
Dalit Itai, Gal Canet­ti — as is pre­sent­ing arts
Pro­duc­tion, Administration :
Guy Hugler
Copro­duc­tion :
Cul­tur­al Asso­ci­a­tion VAN
Orig­i­nal­ly com­mis­sioned by :
Cur­tain Up Fes­ti­val 2003 — Suzanne Del­lal Cen­ter (Tel-Aviv)
Sup­port­ed by :
the Min­istry of Cul­tur­al Affairs-Depart­ment of Dance, The Pais Foun­da­tion and the Rabi­novitch Foun­da­tion for the Arts Tel-Aviv
Pho­to :
© Tamar Lamm