• 22+23.08.2022 20:30
Chapel, 70’

Bel­gian première


Meet­ing the artists after show on 22/08

(Site specific adaptation of the play for the Chapel and the Brigittines International Festival)

Seven for seven bodies as an odd number asserting the asymmetry and showing the almost architectural construction of connections. The combination of presences establishes a balance of associations and worlds in motion. Appearance, disappearance. Support, abandonment. Starts, stops. The sameness, the multitude. With great delicacy, the contrasts operate, and the confused appearances lead us beyond our vision.

The Festival pursues its focus on the work of Yasmine Hugonnet, which culminates here in the exploration of the internal organicity of the body and the symbolic or evocative meanings of the relationships that the dancers weave between themselves through space.*

* Exceptionally, the play will be adapted for the Brigittines Chapel and presented without the original set design by Nadia Lauro and with a lighting adaptation by Dominique Dardant.

Con­cept, choreography :
Yas­mine Hugonnet
Per­form­ers :
Matthieu Barbin, Stéphanie Bayle, Mar­ta Bel­lu, Ruth Childs/​Clara Delorme , Maïté Minh Tâm Jean­no­lin, Ilar­ia Quaglia, Sabine Rivière
Artis­tic collab :
Michael Nick
Scenograf­ic conception :
Nadia Lau­ro
Light cre­ation :
Dominique Dar­d­ant
Sound design :
Frédéric Mori­er
Tech­ni­cal direction :
Jérôme Vernez
Cos­tume design :
Nadia Lau­ro, Yas­mine Hugonnet, Michaël Nick
Pro­duc­tion :
Arts mouvementés
Copro­duc­tion :
Théâtre Vidy- Lau­sanne, CDCN — Ate­lier de Paris, Fes­ti­val d’Automne à Paris, Les 2 Scènes — Scèné nationale de Besançon, Cen­tre Cul­turel Suisse de Paris, ICI — CCN de Mont­pel­li­er — Occ­i­tanie, La place de la danse — CDCN Toulouse Occ­i­tanie, Tanzhaus — Zurich, Dampfzen­trale — Berne
With the sup­port of :
Can­ton de Vaud, Ville de Lau­sanne, Loterie romande, Pro Hel­ve­tia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, SSA Fonds cul­turel, Corodis, SIS Fon­da­tion suisse des interprètes, LaB E23, pro­gramme Inter­reg France-Suisse 2014 – 2020 finan­cial­ly sup­port­ed by FEDER
Cie Arts Mouvementés ben­e­fits from a joint agree­ment with the :
Can­ton de Vaud et la Ville de Lausanne
Cre­ation residencies :
CND Pan­tin, La Ménagerie de Verre — Paris
Pic­tures :
© Anne-Lau­re Lechat