• 27+29.04.2023 20:30
  • 28.04.2023 20:45
Chapel, 60’

Meet the artists after the show on 27.04

One revolves around the axis of the earth between continents, while the other revolves around his own body axis. This spatial and essential necessity unites choreographer Arco Renz and dancer Danielle Allouma in a focal point for the creation of this solo.

Referring to the frequency 2349.32 Hz, attributed to the musical note RE, and to the body in rotation, REvolutions 2349 seeks to transform our sensory perceptions and allows our imagination to transcend their anchorage.

Three spirals – dance, music, and light – unfold on stage in a hypnotic interplay where space and time are tangible forces at work, and from which a compelling structural framework emanates. An archetype of dance and spiritual customs, this revolution of the body, servile in its freedom and free in its servitude, is as old as the history of mankind.

And like a cursor in this timeline, Danielle Allouma’s dancing body negotiates its freedom of movement as a tribute to change and to our longing for emancipation.

Evening made of 2 pieces (cf. BALEC).

Chore­og­ra­phy, directing :
Arco Renz
Chore­og­ra­phy, performance :
Danielle Allouma
Dra­matur­gy :
Arco Renz
Music :
Nir Jacob Younessi
Lumières :
Ryoya Fude­tani
Cos­tumes :
Flo­ra Miranda
Artis­tic direction :
Arco Renz
Pro­duc­tion :
Kobalt Works, Cie Des Ailes
Co-pro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines
Part­ners :
La Gare a Couliss­es — Scène Con­ven­tion­née — Eurre, Les Aires, Théâtre de Die et du Diois, Ver­ti­go eco art vil­lage / Ver­ti­go dance company
Pic­tures :
© Jean-Luc Tanghe