• 01.09.2022 20:30
  • 02.09.2022 19:00
Mezzo, 45’

Bel­gian première


Meet the artists after the show on 01/09

In this wild and elegant duo, Simona Bertozzi and Marta Ciappina explore unusual ways of interacting and connecting. Their correspondences, their shifts, their spectrum of movements take them from the elegant to the incongruous. An uninhibited and invigorating dance catches them, almost in spite of themselves, in affectionate and resonant attitudes.

Quel che resta, what remains: the impetuousness and persistence of bodies, a touch of weightlessness that creates a vocabulary of expectations and departures, repeated geometries, figures, resistance and escape.

Con­cept, choreography :
Simona Bertozzi
Dance :
Mar­ta Ciap­pina, Simona Bertozzi
Music :
Stravin­sky : Diver­sions, Ray Chen, Tim­o­thy Young, Diver­ti­men­to : IV. Pas de deux, Coda. Presto
Sound­scape :
Rober­to Passuti
Light design :
Giuseppe Fil­ip­ponio
Pro­duc­tion :
Nexus 2021
With the con­tri­bu­tion of :
Mic, Regione Emil­ia Romagna, Munic­i­palité de Bologne
With the sup­port of :
Cen­tro Nazionale di Pro­duzione del­la Dan­za Vir­gilio Sieni, Fon­dazione CR Firenze
Cre­ation res­i­den­cy in the con­text of :
Res­i­den­ze per artisti nei Territori
in col­lab­o­ra­tion with :
Dialoghi — Res­i­den­ze delle Arti Per­for­ma­tive a Vil­la Manin 2021, CSS Teatro sta­bile di inno­vazione del FVG, AlmaS­tu­dios Bologna
Pic­tures :
© Luca Del Pia