• 25+26.08.2017 19:00
Mezzo, 45’

Bel­gium Première

Pulled out of the cotton wool of night, a figure emerges, convulsing and coiling onto itself whilst continuously pacing interior spaces. Her concentration and slow, deployed energy take us a long way from the world whilst speaking about it as though we were in its centre.
A hypnotic meditation led with great mastery and where the progressive slips of postures reveal a worryingly serene presence.

Pierre Pontvianne and his accomplice Marthe Krummenacher approach the imperceptible with a natural that typifies crucial encounters and driving the spectator through space and time, as if in a dream.

Chore­og­ra­phy :
Pierre Pont­vianne
Per­for­mance :
Marthe Krum­me­n­ach­er
Music :
Pierre Pont­vianne
Light :
Valérie Colas
Cos­tume :
Janet Crowe
Set :
Pierre Treille
Crit­i­cal eye :
David Mam­bouch
Res­i­den­cies and co-production :
CCN du Bal­let de l’Opéra Nation­al du Rhin, CCN de Rillieux-la-Pape
Res­i­den­cies :
Mai­son de la Cul­ture Le Cor­busier / Firminy, ADC Genève, Ram­dam, un cen­tre d’art
Le Pacifque CDC-Greno­ble Accueils :
Avec le sou­tien de :
Insti­tut français, Ville de Saint-Etienne
Pho­to :
© Cie Parc