• 24+25.08.2018 20:30—21:30
Chapel, 55’

Meet the artists after the show on 24.08

Bel­gium Première

Coming out of an endless night and returning ceaselessly to it as in the backwash of love, six dancers appear at the centre of an incandescent glow that illuminates them as a single body in movement. Fluidity of desires, interlacing persons, the profusion of movements creates an almost abstract profusion while the flesh remains present, mysterious, living.

Virgilio Sieni created this physical fable based on an amazing suite of love songs that a man and woman sing to each other, which probably dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. Here, there is something primitive, silence and intensity, bass and sacred, and a pictorial impression that gives the ensemble its unity and emotion.
Everything evokes origins - gentleness and the torment of attractions.

Chore­og­ra­phy, lights, cos­tumes, space design :
Vir­gilio Sieni
Dancers :
Clau­dia Cal­dara­no, Luna Cenere, Ric­car­do De Simone, Mau­r­izio Giun­ti, Giu­lia Mured­du, Davide Valrosso
Orig­i­nal music :
Daniele Roc­ca­to (bass)
Stage mate­ri­als :
Gius­to Manet­ti Bat­tiloro S.p.A.
Pro­duc­tion :
Fon­dazione I Teatri Reg­gio Emil­ia, Teatro del­la Toscana, Com­pag­nia Vir­gilio Sieni
Pic­tures :
Fil­ip­po Manzi­ni, Vir­gilio Sieni