• 23.08.2017 20:30
Chapel, 60’

Pre­mière in Belgium

Meet­ing with the pub­lic after the performance

Drawing inspiration from mythology, Simona Bertozzi imagines a dark and mysterious reverie on the issue of transmission of knowledge and dialogue between age groups.
Two adolescent burst into the space of three adults like Oceanids nymphs arriving before a chained Prometheus. Although it approaches the issues of revelation, education and transference, the electricity of relations gives the choreographic metaphor a concrete existence where touch, gesture and the tension in the space open onto contemporary dynamics.

Fragility and unbalance merge into strange excitements somewhere between fall and elevation.

Con­cep­tion :
Simona Bertozzi, Mar­cel­lo Briguglio
Cre­ation and choreography :
Simona Bertozzi
Per­for­mance :
Anna Bot­tazzi, Ari­an­na Ganas­si, Giulio Petruc­ci, Aris­tide Ron­ti­ni, Ste­fa­nia Tansini
Music :
Francesco Gio­mi
Light :
Simone Fini
Cos­tumes :
Cris­tiana Suriani
With the sup­port of :
Mibact e Regione Emil­ia Romagna – Fon­do di Sosteg­no alla pro­duzione e dis­tribuzione del­la Dan­za d’Autore Regione Emil­ia-Romagna 2015/2016, Fon­dazione Nazionale del­la Dan­za / Ater­bal­let­to Cen­tro di Produzione
Pho­to :
© Luca Del Pia