• 01+02.09.2017 19:00
Mezzo, 20’


Spe­cial price : 8 eur

Revealing the interior labyrinth through the contortion of the body, using the disarticulation of limbs to approach disorder and make the fluidity of a thought clearer... Signifying one’s straightness and commitment through unbalance and toppling.

If the body triggers so many paradoxes in this suspended moment in time, it is because it is conveyed by a startling concentration and perpetual inspiration. Sabine Molenaar gives a voice to her interior monster and shares a sort of fragile beauty that guarantees profundity.
She traces a clear, nocturnal gesture. Vibrating.

Con­cep­tion, chore­og­ra­phy, dance :
Sabine Mole­naar
Dra­matur­gi­cal advice :
Lena Meck­ler
Scenog­ra­phy, light :
Amber Van­den­hoeck
Décor :
Gert­jan Biasi­no, Amber Vandenhoeck
Video, ani­ma­tron­ics :
Gert­jan Biasino
Cam­era :
Gael Maleux
Music :
Jochem Baelus
Cos­tume :
Joke Van de Casteele
Pro­duc­tion :
Sand­man & Kosmonaut
Thanks to :
Mike van Alfen & Arju­na Borsetti
Copro­duc­tion :
Fes­ti­val Cement, DansBrabant
With the sup­port of :
PLAN tal­en­ton­twik­kel­ing Bra­bant, TAKT Dom­mel­hof, BUDA, De Warande, ccBe, Théâtre de Vanves
Pho­to :
© William van der Voort