• 04—08.10.2022 20:30
Chapel, 60’

Meet the artist after the show on 6.10

Per­for­mance with­out tribunes

After The Gyre, a mesmerizing and turbulent duet presented last year, Angela Rabaglio and Micaël Florentz pursue their quest of questioning the perpetually agitated matter, moving bodies, and the spaces they occupy.

This time, six performers on stage incarnate a crowd, its unconscious reflexes, its involuntary synchronizations, its unpredictability, its continuous metamorphosis, and its animality.

In A Very Eye, rhythms, glances, clashes, trajectories, and other interactions intertwine and unravel. The dancers recreate the collective breaths that guide and shape the collective behaviours of people in motion, just like those of the living.

Con­cept, choreography :
Angela Rabaglio & Micalël Florentz
Cre­ation, performance :
Char­lie Prince, Ser­gi Parés, Jeanne Col­in, Mona Felah, Angela Rabaglio, Micaël Florentz
Light cre­ation, scenography :
Arnaud Gerniers
Sound design :
Anne Lep­ère
Out­side look :
Melis­sa Ron­deau, Esse Van­der­bruggen, Chris­tine Daigle
Cos­tumes :
Mélanie Duchanoy
Research :
Chris­tine Daigle, Tin­gAn Ying, Olivi­er Hespel
Stage :
Dou­nia Dol­bec, Nathan Bourdon
Dis­tri­b­u­tion, communication :
Quentin Legrand/​Rue Branly
Pro­duc­tion :
Tum­ble­weed asbl
Copro­duc­tion :
Les Brigit­tines, Charleroi danse — Cen­tre chorégraphique de Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, CCN2CCN de Greno­ble, CCNT — Cen­tre chorégraphique nation­al de Tours, POLE-SUDCDCN de Stras­bourg, Cul­tu­ur­centrum Brugge
Res­i­den­cies :
Dansate­liers Rot­ter­dam, Grand Stu­dio, Sum­mer­stu­dios Parts, Garage29, Tanzhaus Zürich, Chore­o­graphis­ches Cen­trum Heidelberg,Le Gym­nase – CDCN de Roubaix, Kanal work­room, de Warande, TROIS C‑L, Mate­ri­ais Diver­sos, Estúdios Vic­tor Córdon, l’Abri Genève, Onas­sis Stegi
With the sup­port of :
Fédération Wal­lonie-Brux­elles, Wal­lonie-Brux­elles Inter­na­tion­al, Dansate­liers Rot­ter­dam, Grand Stu­dio, Réseau Grand Luxe 2021/22
Pic­tures :
© Stanislav Dobak