Grace: indefinable state where beauty, movement and presence seem intricately linked. An impetus of nakedness allows us to recognise it. It would be useless to perceive it as a form of divine intervention... It lies within ourselves, pushing us to share subtle visions and unexpected emotions.
This state is inherently fragile. It comes with the sensation that it could wither away at any moment, that it is an exceptional moment in our lives, one that cannot be extended... When it fades away, it leaves its place to a nameless disappointment, a disaster, a fall.The peak stands by the abyss.
Yet art tries to find itself on this crest line, on the uncertain path that it tries to find. Every work can speak to us, reaching deep within ourselves but sometimes, it escapes its creator to reach a state of weightlessness where no-one stands at the helm as we all sit there,spectators and actors,amazed that it is taking place,conscious that the enchantment of the moment also feeds of its inevitable obliteration. But that does not matter! Deep inside, we will have been put in movement.
Patrick Bonté
General and Artistic Direction